大家好,如果您还对优雅生活作文高级句子英语不太了解,没有关系,今天就由本站为大家分享优雅生活作文高级句子英语的知识,包括语言描写英语老师的作文 700字的问题都会给大家分析到,还望可以解决大家的问题,下面我们就开始吧!
[One]、优雅的生活议论作文 700字左右,谢谢!
英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如 William Jafferson Clinton。
但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如 George Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称
取代正式教名,如 Bill Clinton。上述教名和中间名又称个人名。现将英语民族
英语民族常用的男子名有:James, John, David, Daniel, Michael,常见的
女子名为:Jane, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah, Catherine.
1.保留首音节。如 Donald=>Don, Timothy=>Tim.如果本名以元音开头,
2.+ie或-y如:Don=>Donnie, Tim=>Timmy.
3.采用尾音节,如:Anthony=>Tony, Beuben=>Ben.
4.由一个教名派生出两个昵称,如:Andrew=>Andy& Drew.
5.不规则派生法,如:William的一个昵称是 Bill.
2.在教名上加上表示血统关系的词缀,如后缀-s,-son,-ing;前缀 M'-, Mc-,
Mac-, Fitz-等均表示某某之子或后代。
3.在教名前附加表示身份的词缀,如 St.-, De-, Du=, La-, Le-.
4.放映地名,地貌或环境特征的,如 Brook, Hill等。
5.放映身份或职业的,如:Carter, Smith.
6.放映个人特征的,如:Black, Longfellow.
7.借用动植物名的,如 Bird, Rice.
8.由双姓合并而来,如 Burne-Jones.
英语姓氏虽然出现较教名晚,但数量要多得多。常用的有:Smith, Miller,
Johnson, Brown, Jones, Williams.
2.英国人习惯上将教名和中间名全部缩写,如 M. H. Thatcher;美国人则习惯
于只缩写中间名,如 Ronald W. Reagan。
3.在姓名之前有时还要有人际称谓,如职务军衔之类。Dr., Prof., Pres.可以
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(UK) was created by the Act of Union 1800 and constitutes the greater part of the British Isles, a group of islands lying off the northwest coast of Europe. The largest of the islands is Great Britain, which prises England, Wales and Scotland. Next largest is Ireland, prising Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and, in the south, the Republic of Ireland.
Culture in the United Kingdom is rich and diverse, with a strong tradition of literature, theatre, popular and orchestral music and the performing arts. These, together with collections in UK museums and galleries, act as a mag for overseas visitors and make a substantial contribution to the economy. According to economic estimates made by the Department for Culture,Media and Sport(DCMS), the creative industries accounted for nearly 8 per cent of UK gross domestic product in 2000, and provided nearly 2 million jobs in December 2001. Colour brochures are available here on various aspects of UK culture, including the arts, architecture, dance, the visual arts, and literature and poetry.
第一种england synthesizes introduced(英国综合介绍) england's full title is"great britain and the northern ireland united kingdom", by approaches northeast the europe continent the seacoast british archipelago majority of islands to be posed. she separates north sea, straits of dover and the english channel faces one another with the europe continent, is an island country. the english total area approximately 240,000 square kilometers, the population nearly 59 million, according to the history, the geography and the national character divides into england, scotland, wales, the northern ireland four parts, english people account for the total population 80%. the english inhabitants mostly believe in the christianity protestanti***, the northern ireland area partial inhabitants believe catholici***. the english winter warm summer is cool, is the oceanity temperate climate。
national survey(国家概况) england is the modern times industrial revolution place of origin, the official name"the united kingdom", the full title"great britain and the northern ireland united kingdom(the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland)", the national area altogether 244,000 square kilometers, the inhabitant multi- letters christianity protestanti***, the northern ireland area partial inhabitants believe catholici***, some englishes also believe in the islami***, buddhi***, hindui***, the race, the judai*** and so on. geographical position(地理位置) the entire boundary by approaches northeast the europe continent the seacoast british archipelago majority of islands to be posed, separates north sea, straits of dover and the english channel faces one another with the europe continent, is an island country. coastline total length 11,000 kilometers. the east side british island is in the archipelago the biggest islands, also is the english most main national territory. it by the north scotland, south and the middle england and the north-west welsh three areas is posed. climate(气候) england is the oceanity temperate climate, the general winter warm summer is cool. history(历史) discovered according to the archaeology that, on the british island has the humanity in 3500 ago to live. 5 centuries intermediate stages, large quantities of date graceful person invade great britain by northern europe, bees the nowadays england people the ancestor. but a then kerr special person part ran away west and north the mountainous area, another part ran away toward ireland, they are today wales person, the scotland person and the irish person's ancestor. a.d. 6 centuries christianity starts to spread to great britain. in 15 centuries the leaf, the english aristocrats for capture the throne to hit for 30 years"the rose" the civil war. finally, the economical more developed south earth advocates peace the new aristocrat to win."all ze dynasty" from this establishment. in the first world war time, the yingde has bee the belligerent country. as a result of the english people's counter- german mood, english king george five th issued an order in 1919, will have the german color"the hannover dynasty" to change name as"warm sand dynasty". in 18th century leaf, because politics, the economy and the technical aspect gradually are mature, england has started a industrial revolution. along with the steam engine invention, each kind of machine use, to 19th century in leaf's victoria time, england has bee in the world the most advanced industrialized country, leaps to the world first place in the production and the trade yeast, everywhere carries out the gunboat policy, captures the marine hegemony, invades the colony, massively plunders other country wealth. great britain dominates the world, spreads europe, asia, america, africa, australia in the overseas control region, is known as"the date not to fall the empire". to 19th century last stages, because country's and so on america, germany rises and all that all sorts of reasons, england gradually loses the superiority. afterwards received the serious wound in second world war, great britain national strength declines day after day. originally is the native place the irish island, its south 26 county were separated from the united kingdom in 1921, the overseas colony also in abundance announce the independence after world war ii. great britain gradually evolves a organization loose british monwealth of nations.英国综合介绍(英国综合介绍)英国的全称是“大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国”的做法在欧洲大陆的东北海岸的群岛英属群岛大部分组成。
〖One〗、According to a research project at Cambridge Uiversity, it doesn't matter what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. This is because the human mind does not read every letter。
〖Two〗、'WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW'. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence。(我看到的是一辆车还是一只猫)这是英语中唯一一句反过来念还是一样的句子。
〖Three〗、"Goodbye" came from"God bye" which came from"God be with you"。英语单词“Goodbye”来自于“God bye”,原意是“上帝与你同在”。
〖Four〗、The sentence"The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."uses every letter of the alphabet!(这只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒狗)这句话用到了字母表中的所有字母! 〖Five〗、"Go", is the shortest plete sentence in the English language。“Go”是英语中最短的完整句子。
〖Six〗、The onion is named after the Latin word'unio' meaning large pearl。单词“onion”(洋葱)来自于拉丁词“unio”,意思是大珍珠。
〖Seven〗、The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for'To Insure Prompt Service'。单词“tips”(小费)实际上是“To Insure Prompt Service”(保障快捷的服务)的首字母缩写! 〖Eight〗、The phrase'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb。
词组“rule of thumb”(经验法则),是从一条古老的英国法律中来的,即:不能用超过大拇指粗细的东西打老婆。 〖Nine〗、The longest word in the English language!英语中最长的单词是“”(硅酸盐沉着病)! 〖Ten〗、More people in China speak English than in the United States。
会说英语的中国人比会说英语的美国人还多。 1〖One〗、The word"listen" contains the same letters as"silent"。
单词“listen”(听)和“silent”(安静的)用到了一样的字母。 1〖Two〗、Hoover vacuum cleaners were so popular in the UK that many people now refer to vacuuming as hoovering。
胡佛真空吸尘器在英国曾经非常流行,到现在很多人还把“vacuuming”(吸尘)说成“hoovering”(胡佛ing…)。 1〖Three〗、Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards。
“Stressed”(压力)倒过来拼就是“Desserts”(点心)。 1〖Four〗、The most used letter in the English alphabet is'E', and'Q' is the least used!英语中使用比较多的字母是“E”,用得最少的是“Q”。
1〖Five〗、Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel,"Gad*** y", whichcontains over 50,000 words-- none of them with the letter E!。
he United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(monly known as the United Kingdom, the UK or Britain) is a sovereign state off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many*** aller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign state—the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic
Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.
sporting house妓院(不是“**室”) dead president美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”) lover情人(不是“爱人”) bu*** oy餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”) busybody爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”) dry goods(美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”) heartman换心人(不是“有心人”) mad doctor精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”) eleventh hour最后时刻(不是“十一点”) blind date(由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”) personal remark人身攻击(不是“个人评论”) sweet water淡水(不是“糖水”或“甜水”) confidence man骗子(不是“信得过的人”) criminal lawyer刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”) service station加油站(不是“服务站”) rest room厕所(不是“休息室”) dressing room化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”) horse sense常识(不是“马的感觉”) capital idea好主意(不是“资本主义思想”) familiar talk庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”) black tea红茶(不是“黑茶”) black art妖术(不是“黑色艺术”) black stranger完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”) white coal(作动力来源用的)水(不是“白煤”) white man忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”) yellow book黄皮书(法国***报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”) red tape官僚习气(不是“红色带子”) green hand新手(不是“绿手”) blue stocking女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”) China policy对华政策(不是“中国政策”) Chinese dragon麒麟(不是“中国龙”) American beauty一种玫瑰,名为“美国丽人”(不是“美国美女”) English disease软骨病(不是“英国病”) Indian summer愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”) Greek t害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”) Spanish athlete吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”) French chalk滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)。
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the entire name of Britain,its capital city is London。It's same as Japan,an island country。British symbol the Daihon(大本钟) is as the Mountain Fuji of Japan。In addition,A*** all part of British people speak Japanese。So British can also be said as a Japanese Spoken country。Despite the decay after WⅡ,it didn't make Britain discouraged。On the contrary,Britain is deciding to Learn from Japan。
How time flies,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer holiday. As the weather getting hotter and hotter,my parent and me go to the seaside.Last week we are go to the Xiamen.It's a beautiful city, bule sky and bule sea.The Xiamen is an island neal the Taiwan.From top of the Riguan rock we can see jinmen island. We spent a happy day in Xiamen.时间过的很快,从放暑假到现在已经半个月了.由于天气越来越热,我们全家一起到海边度假,上星期我们就到了厦门,那是一个很美丽的城市,有蓝天大海,厦门是一个岛屿离台湾岛很近.从日光岩上面还可以看到金门岛.我们在厦门度过了一个很开心的假期.我的妈妈我的妈妈叫XX.她中等体格,中等身高..她不是非常漂亮,但在我心中却很美丽.她爱笑,她同样希望我也笑得灿烂..她很平凡,是一名人民教师.她从小就培养我坚强的品格,教我做人的道理.她给我自由,让我过上幸福的声国,让我拥有了一个快乐的童年.生活中的很多事情,她总是很宽容.我很感谢她,我永远都不会忘记,在她老的时候,好好照顾她. My mother My mother is xx.She is of medium build and is of medium height(这是第七单元的最新语法).She isn't very good-looking(用于修饰人,而beautiful大用于修饰物或动物),but I think she is really very pretty(这不仅是漂亮,还有在心里的善良等好性情,也有聪明的意思).She loves laughing(love to do sth.一般表示一段时间类喜欢做的事),and she also hopes I have the same bright*** ile.She is ordinary,(mon虽普遍,但英语中有粗俗的意思,容易引起异议)she's a teacher.She teaches me to be strong and teaches me how to be a true man from my yonth(这里指青年时代).She let me free so I have a lovely life,and I remember I had a lovely childhood,too.She is always very good-tempered. I am thinkful to her for everything. I will never forget her. When she is old,I'll take good care of her.风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun) One day the wind said to the sun,“Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”“We will see about that,” said the sun.“I will let you try first.” So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.“I give up,” said the wind at last.“I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.(有一天风跟太阳说:“看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说,“我让你先试.)(因此风尝试让那个人把披风脱下来.他用力地吹,可是那个人把披风拉得更紧.)(“我放弃了,”风最后说,“我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)第一篇:THE NEWSPAPER报纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall(will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二篇:MY DAILY LIFE我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o'clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o'clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o'clock. Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。
我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完。第三篇:A MODEL STUDENT模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be(bee) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do。
[Three]、语言描写英语老师的作文 700字
回忆一些和英语老师有关的故事。初一才开始学的英语,上课第一天见到了气质优雅,美丽和蔼的吕老师,她的声音清澈好听,上课时我特别认真。第一天上完课后,就开始扳手指,数数自己会多少个英语单词,结果把当天学的加上全世界人民都会的OK, Yes, No也就会7,8个单词,心里激动半天,想很快就会积累很多了。初一学英语时很积极,每天英语课一下课就到吕老师那里背课文,因为在课堂上边学就边记住了,为此多次‘遭到’表扬。英语课有趣还因为老师会用录音机放课文给我们听,包括英文歌;我们还被分了组,在课堂上用才学的句子对话,课堂里有别的课没有的轻松气氛。我想这是英语带给我最深的感受,以后在大学里老师活跃课堂气氛的方式都不让我惊奇了,最初的英语课已让我习惯了。吕老师给了我无穷的鼓励和自信。我升初中时遇挫折,以前也一直不自信。但到了一中,开始学习英语课,我常常能得到老师的鼓励和表扬,这让我干劲更足。宝贵的自信就从那是一点一滴的积累。每次课就盼着吕老师提问或抽读单词,当然不是总抽到我,吕老师把机会均给每位同学。我特别爱问吕老师问题,几乎每节课后都要问问,有时特意先读读后面的内容,问一些‘高级一点’的问题。由于爱问,很多语言上的细节我都弄的明白了,考试自然不含糊。后来的学习中也发现,勤思勤问是有效学习的一种好方法。一次,吕老师建议我,你可以用英语写写日记。心里热血一沸腾,晚上回家就照课文格式写了篇蹩脚英语日记。坚持了一段时间,后来翻看那一叠英语日记作文,真真的能看到自己书面表达的进步。大约记得我初中的英语成绩是几乎每次考试都在90分以上,初三时有点骄傲,当时全班都在为初九七级五班全年级无敌感到骄傲,班上学习氛围稍有异常。一次,吕老师提醒我们说,你们现在比较浮躁。课后,我背完课文,添了句:我不浮躁吧。心里实际是比较得意。吕老师很婉转的说,你们都很浮躁。她和邓老师交换了意见,这样才有浮躁风很快在班上刹住脚,大家踏实的准备中考。多年来,忘不掉的是吕老师给与我的自信和最初的英语学习的基础;还有她那优雅的气质和和蔼的微笑。高中的英语课只增加了些高级语法,课文长了,内容难了。还有,高中的首要目标就是要考大学,所以各种试卷习题铺天盖地。这时,周老师出现了,带领我们在各种语法,填空,作文题中冲向高二。她上课时声音洪亮,充满活力。她会给我们讲讲她读大学时同外教学英语的趣事。由于有先前的底子,我学起来没原来那么努力了,周老师也没吕老师那么有魅力,至少在我当时看来。不过周老师对我仍旧是很好的,每次问问题都很热心解答,每次看她改卷子,她都细细的指出我的错误。高二时文理分科后,周老师就没再教我了。高中后两年是张志高老师教,他是我所有英语老师中唯一的男性,他是我所有老师中冷幽默排首的一位。高二后,各科的作业考试连绵不断,我少用了很多时间在英语上,仗着自己基础还好,考试也还不差。但张老师的课我还是上的津津有味,他会在课堂上突然提到‘李伯清’,也可能是Tom and Jerry。具体的笑话记不太清了,反正大家都笑的很开心。我心里觉得他是很洒脱的人,是英语和四川话都很棒的人。后来快毕业了,发现他实际也还很帅。有一件事比较有趣。我考试写作文时,把单词结尾的字母r的末笔拉的很长,实际是受了李宁商标的影响,觉得那样很飘逸。结果发卷子时,张老师就不点名的说,有的同学把r拖的很长,不知道写的是什么了。他在黑板上示范了一下,我心想,实际上还是我写的好看。由于死不悔改,我至今写的英文仍是张牙舞爪,惨不忍睹。进了大学才发现有那么多人头疼和憎恨英语。我觉得大学里的英语课实在是休闲课,老师和大家聊聊课文,大家练练对话,写写作文。老师也都很和蔼,气质也都不凡,课上起来也确实很没负担。但负担在课下,要考英语四级,所以大一很多时间花在了准备四级上。英语老师们除了讲讲课本,还要讲讲英美文化,这让我们受益颇多,觉得隐藏在语言后面的还竟然有如此深厚的东西。大一的杨素娟老师还在周末带给我们英文电影看,记得有两部是‘毕业生’和‘窈窕淑女’。涂老师和张丽老师也带给我们课本上没有的见闻,我想只有英语课才会有这样的经历,才会让我学习的不单纯是课文标题所表示的东西。在大学里,正是各位英语老师的帮助和指导,才顺利过了四六级,考了口语证书,才有了后来阅读英文文献和进行英文论文写作的能力,等等。在英语学习过程中,不论是课文还是阅读听力训练,那里的故事和场景实际是和生活紧密的结合,很多道理通过英语传达给我们,起到潜移默化的作用。我心中总觉得英语课是我最喜欢的课,英语老师们给予了我比较多东西,鼓励的眼神,赞许的微笑,对像我这样不自信的学生来说,实在是太宝贵了,而老师们都慷慨的给予了我,他们的赠予由26个字母承载着进入了我的心。